Saturday, August 4, 2007

My First Post

Howdy! Thanks to a generous scholarship given by Rotary International and more specifically by Rotary District 5910, I will soon be traveling to Australia to serve as an Ambassadorial Scholar for a one-year period.

As an Ambassadorial Scholar I will study in one of Australia's universities as well as volunteer with the Rotary clubs in the region. I am so excited about this opportunity to learn about a unique culture and to be able share my experiences with you. Through this blog I will do my best to give you an insight into the impact that Rotary has in Australia as well as share some personal stories that arise from my day to day life in this beautiful country. I want specifically thank my sponsor district, the Rotary Club of Beaumont Spindletop, for all of its support.

So now buckle up, take a deep breath, and enjoy the journey....

1 comment:

Chuck Mason said...

I'm glad to hear that you survived your first week in the wilds of Australia. You probably made your spider slayer's day by giving him the chance to protect you. I hope that the rest of your time "Down Under" will be as eventful.
My daughter spent a semester at McQuarrie University in Sydney and really loved her time in Australia. I'm sure that this will be a great year for you as well.